We see so many stupid things every day that it's hard to find time to mention them all. So instead, I write about them in these mini rants. It lets me get it out and hopefully gives you something to think about.
Fixed New Site Link
The link to my new site in my previous post was incorrect. It can be
accessed by clicking the link below. Be sure to add it to your bookmarks.
Imaginative ...
Our Legacy
Crocs, as a company, really does try. You have to give them that, if
nothing else – they honestly, sincerely want you to put on their shoes.
They promise c...
Why are you trying to kill me?
Ok, the title is a bit over the top but that's why me blogs called Complete
Utter Banter. Now I am a frequent (perhaps to frequent) user of the site
Guess why I want to kill this woman? (not for reasons why everyone else
does) A few minutes ago I heard my mum watching the Weakest Link. A
question on th...